Assembling SolidCube Extruder
SolidCube is both Direct Drive and Bowden Tube Extruder. Follow this simple steps to assemble aSensar's v3 Extruder
Extruder is made of two body, namely Base and Arm and show in the below picture.
Things Needed
- 608ZZ Bearing x 1 Qty
- Springs x 2 Qty
- M3x25 Bolt x 4 Qty
- M4x20 Bolt x 2 Qty
- M8x20 Bolt x 1 Qty
- M5 Washer x 2 Qty
- MK7 Gear x 1 Qty
- 45N-cm NEMA17 Stepper Motor x 1 Qty
Assemble MK7 Gear and Stepper Motor
Then Assemble Stepper Motor with Extruder base using M3 bolts
Align the Gear along the filament guide
Arm and Bearing Assembly<
Assemble Arm and Base
Now assemble both ARM and Base using M4 bolt, washer and spring